The beauty of Adatarasan greeted us on a crisp Spring morning. With o bentos and water supplies stuffed in the backpacks, clutching the ski sticks there was only one way to go, - up.

Adatarasan is a 1718 meters tall volcano. It killed 4 tourists in 1997 with it's poisonous fumes, and it is still possible to see fumes today.
Henrik is as always trying to orientate, - not that it's necessary, - the red ribbons tied to branches here and there show the best way.

Surprised to find the volcano THAT covered with snow, - coming from small, flat Denmark, either there's snow in a country on any particular day, or there are not.

Yay! We made it to the top.

The view was stunning, though this shot barely does it justice.

On the way down, a crazy skier went fast, zigzagging amongst rocks and snow-free patties.

One of the best things about Adatarasan is that it some where close to the top, has an onsen in the midst of nothing. We stopped for a warm and soothing skinny dip and continued the journey down. Some walking, others sledging on a plastic bag. Oooh, - and we finished the day's adventures with a cup of coffee in Dake onsen village. Mmmm.