
Thursday, June 14, 2007

Home and happy

When expatriated to Brazil, we remember our first home visit to Denmark. We remember the pain we felt arriving in Montes Claros again. An almost unbearable home sickness showed up as soon as the plane from dk touched Brazilian ground and we passed through the toughest weeks ever being abroad. In the end, you all know, we ended being very happy in Montes Claros, but one can never know pre-hand.
Anyway, looking back today, we know that the biggest test of how we really feel about Koriyama comes in the heels of our first home visit.

It just passed. We went to Dk about three weeks ago. Denmark looked more beautiful than ever, with the early summer sun spreading calmness and hygge all around. Though Henrik was busy working, somehow we did manage to see many of our beloved ones. We spent quality time with friends and family and got to know the new generation growing up as everybody are having babies these days. We indulged our selves in Rhubarb, rugbrød and black liquorice and we were constantly reminded by heart why we do love all these wonderful people of dk.

The time spent in Dk, seemed by many stressful, but that was by choice. We wanted to see as many as possible, which is why we never spent a night the same place two nights in a row.

We arrived in Koriyama again this Sunday and are relieved to say, that we still enjoy very much being here. It felt good returning home.
We are as always looking foreward to the many adventures waiting for us around the corner, but also, for once, we embrace the calmness we receive in this dot on earth, named Koriyama. People say, passing the thirties reliefs a greater gratitude and awareness of life, so maybe it is because of that – or just maybe it is the opportunity we have to be in such an inspiring place as Japan.

One way or the other. We are home. We are happy.

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